Very Pleased To Introduce And Welcome Melodi Ryan To Ixtapa-Zihua Mexico And Tequila Blues & Rock Fest III
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Very Pleased To Introduce And Welcome Melodi Ryan To Ixtapa-Zihua Mexico And Tequila Blues & Rock Fest III

Very Pleased To Introduce And Welcome Melodi Ryan To Ixtapa-Zihua, Mexico And Tequila Blues & Rock Fest III A Great Addition To Our Performers Lineup!

We’re bringing MaxSax Max Octavo Maravilla and his rockin’ saxophone to Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest III in Ixtapa-Zihua January 10-12, 2020
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We’re bringing MaxSax Max Octavo Maravilla and his rockin’ saxophone to Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest III in Ixtapa-Zihua January 10-12, 2020

We’re bringing MaxSax Max Octavo Maravilla and his rockin’ saxophone to Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest III in Ixtapa-Zihua Mexico January 10-12, 2020 The lineup of great musicians we’ve announced keeps getting bigger and better. And more to announce, and some special surprises coming your way.

The ZZ Top Experience Show By Canada’s Geoff and Chris Dahl Is Coming To Ixtapa’s Tequila Blues And Rock Explosion Festival January 2020
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The ZZ Top Experience Show By Canada’s Geoff and Chris Dahl Is Coming To Ixtapa’s Tequila Blues And Rock Explosion Festival January 2020

We Have Their Shows For Both January 10-12 and January 17-19 weekends at Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Festival III in Ixtapa-Zihua, Mexico. Supporting our Fundraising for the Neuva Manitoba Escuela primary grades school and the Amigos de Animales and Animales Angels MX Street Animals Rescue projects…without hesitation and with enthusiasm.

Lorena Cabrera Bernal-Introducing Our Headliners & Performers For Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest Ixtapa Mexico January 10-12, 2019
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Lorena Cabrera Bernal-Introducing Our Headliners & Performers For Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest Ixtapa Mexico January 10-12, 2019

Lorena Cabrera Bernal-Introducing Our Headliners & Performers For Tequila Blues & Rock Explosion Fest Ixtapa Mexico January 10-12, 2019 Watch Our Sites For More Introductions. Many More To Come. They’re all Headliner Worthy. They’re All Great.